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PEI provincial catheter coverage


DSP (Disabilities Support Program) pertains only to disability-related costs. Provided the eligibility criteria is met, the DSP Assessment Guide is used to evaluate the range of functioning which will help determine the level of monthly support.

The amount allocated for catheters is based on doctor’s recommendation and physical needs of the client included as part of the monthly support.


A doctor prescription and letter is required outlining why the catheter is required. Client can either pay for catheters and submit receipts for reimbursement or DSP can bill the pharmacy / dealer directly. Client can set this up with their Disability Support Worker.


DSP Levels:

a) 75% or more functioning (High) $ 400.00/month

b) 51-74% functioning (Moderate)$ 800.00/month

c) 26-50% functioning (Low) $1,600.00/month

d) 25% or less functioning (Very Low) $3,100.00/month (overall program funding ceiling)


Talk to your Disability Support Worker and your doctor about better catheter options.

1. Ask for samples of SpeediCath. Simply click on the “ Free SpeediCath Samples “ on this page.

2. Talk to your doctor - ask if he/she would prescribe a better catheter option. Ask if they would prescribe SpeediCath. SpeediCath is used once so the prescription will be for 4-5 catheters per day.

3. Ask your doctor to complete and sign the SpeediCath letter. Simply click on the letter on this page, download the letter and send it to your doctor. This letter outlines the issue(s) you are having and why you need to use SpeediCath

4. Submit SpeediCath Prescription and letter to your Disability Support Worker for review and to request approval.


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