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British Columbia provincial catheter coverage


PWD ( Persons with Disabilities) status and low income SCI ( Spinal Cord Injury) patients with prolonged PWD status may access supplies like catheters.  Your doctor fills out a form requesting catheters, type and number/day as required to meet your need.  The request is submitted to adjudicators at the Ministry of Social Development for review and approval.  Once approved, the PDC (distribution centre)  ships the product directly to your home.  


1. Ask for samples of SpeediCath.  Simply click on the “ Free SpeediCath Samples “ on this page. 
2.  Talk to your doctor - ask for a prescription for SpeediCath.  SpeediCath is used once so the prescription will be for 4-5 catheters per day.
3.  Ask your doctor to complete and sign the SpeediCath support letter.  Simply click on the support letter on this page, download the letter and send it to your doctor.  This letter outlines the issue(s) you are having and why you need to use SpeediCath.
4. Your doctor will send the prescription and support letter to  the Ministry of Social Development for approval.  

Home Care

At Home Care:  is intended to assist parents with some of the costs of caring for a child with severe disabilities.  
Medical Supplies, like catheters must be pre approved and the PDC (Product Distribution Centre) will deliver catheters to child’s home.  
If your child is using a catheter and is experiencing issues like noted above under PWD.  Ask for SpeediCath samples, follow same process and request At Home Care for approval.
For more information about At Home Care, visit


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