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Auto insurance catheter coverage in Manitoba


Auto insurance, for all residents in Manitoba is provided by a (public ) government-run insurance company, Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI)                               


Manitoba auto insurance operates in a “pure” no-fault environment - you cannot sue.

If you sustained a catastrophic injury due to an auto accident, you qualify for catheter coverage

There may be a better catheter option for you.

1. Ask for samples of SpeediCath.  Simply click on the “ Free SpeediCath Samples “ on this page.

2.  Talk to your doctor or urologist - ask for a prescription for SpeediCath.  SpeediCath is used once so the prescription will be for 4-5 catheters per day.

3.  Ask your doctor to complete and sign the SpeediCath letter.  Simply click on the letter on this page, download the letter and send it to your doctor.  This letter outlines the issue(s) you are having and why you need to use SpeediCath

4.  Send SpeediCath prescription and support letter to your case manager at MVI to request approval.


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