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Coloplast Canada Community Benefit

Purchase your intermittent catheters direct from ShopColoplastShopColoplast is your fast & flexible one stop shop for reliable product support, cost savings and free shipping*. ShopColoplast is offering 50% off on your first month of intermittent catheters*. Sign up below or call SCIO directly at 1-888-221-2101 to get access to this special offer.

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*Consumer: Limit one (1) community benefit per household. Each consumer benefit is one time only. Void if reproduced, altered, copied, scanned, sold, purchased, transferred, or exchanged to any person, firm or group prior to redemption to ShopColoplast Canada. This community benefit is being provided in good faith by Coloplast for purpose of facilitating purchase via our direct sales platform, ShopColoplast Canada and will not be honoured by any other vendor or retailer. This community benefit is valid only on SpeediCath® or SelfCath® product lines and is applicable only on purchases of four (4) or more boxes of catheters. All boxes must be purchased at one time and cannot be purchased in multiple transactions. Sales tax will apply to the full purchase price and not the discounted price. Free shipping is available on orders over $100.00 before applicable taxes. 



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