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Mix and Match with the
SenSura® Mio 2-piece System!

The SenSura® Mio 2-piece system allows you to customize your appliance by giving you the choice of wearing a different bag depending on the situation. 

Going out with friends? Use a smaller, more discreet bag. Bedtime? Switch to a higher capacity bag to wear while you sleep. 

With less frequent changes, a 2-piece ostomy bag can give your skin and stoma what it needs to be happy and healthy while allowing you to have worry-free bag changes.

Order your 2-piece SenSura® Mio System for FREE!

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How to use the 2-piece SenSura® Mio Flex

SenSura® Mio Flex Drainable Pouch

SenSura® Mio Flex Closed Pouch

How to use the 2-piece SenSura® Mio Click

SenSura® Mio Click Drainable Pouch

SenSura® Mio Click Closed Pouch


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