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Get access to the sex and intimacy for people with an ostomy webinar! 

Are you worried about your ostomy’s impact on your sex life or ability to be intimate with a partner? Do you want to learn more on how to enhance sex and intimacy with your partner? Sign up to watch the recorded webinar today.

Meet your hosts: 

Natalie Kameka

BScN, Registered Nurse, Nurse Specializing in Wound, Ostomy and Continence (NSWOC), MCISc-WH , and Clinical Consultant at Coloplast Canada.


Maureen McGrath

Registered Nurse, Sexual Health Educator, Author & Host of the Sunday Night Health Show. Maureen’s TED Talk on “No Sex Marriage” has garnered more than 31 million views.

Fill out the form below to watch a recording of the Sex and Intimacy with an Ostomy Webinar.

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The content in the webinar are general guidelines meant to help and support you. You should always follow the specific instructions given to you by your healthcare provider.


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