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Your catheter choice matters

What if using a catheter was only as challenging as taking a shower or brushing your teeth? It can be – if you insist on less.

Because with less friction* , there’s less risk of harming your urethra* and so less worry about UTIs* .

All SpeediCath® catheters feature Triple Action Coating Technology™, ensuring they stay hydrated so insertion and withdrawal are always smooth and gentle.

So, if life hands you a catheter, insist on less – because your choices matter.

*Compared to uncoated catheters.

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This form is intended for catheter users only. Please only fill out this form if you or someone you know is a catheter user.
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Why Triple Action Coating Technology™?

Stays bonded for an even coating without dry spots.

Stays smooth reducing friction on the urethra.

Stays hydrated making it instantly ready to use.

1. SpeediCath® Flex

A soft catheter with a dry-sleeve and flexible tip, enables gentle, no-touch guidance through the male urethra.

2. SpeediCath® Compact Male

A discreet, ready-to-use catheter with an award winning design.

3. SpeediCath® Compact Set Male

Simple and intuitive to use home or away, it is the first compact, discreet catheter with an integrated bag

1. SpeediCath® Compact Female Eve

A discreet compact catheter for women with one-step opening and secure reclosing. Its triangular shape makes it easy to grip.

2. SpeediCath® Compact Female

A discreet, easy-to-use catheter for women. It is designed for the anatomy of the female body.

3. SpeediCath® Compact Set Female

Simple and intuitive to use home or away, it is the first compact, discreet catheter with an integrated bag


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