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What are leg bags and male external catheters?

What are leg bags and male external catheters?

Absorbents and adult diapers are well known, readily available and widely used today. However, a urine collection system has benefits over absorbent products in terms of comfort, hygiene and personal confidence. In fact, nearly 7 out of 10 patients prefer urine collection systems to absorbents when given the choice1 Learn more about urine bags and male external catheters

How to wear a urine bag and a urisheathUrine bags and male external catheters are also known as collecting systems.  

The condom-like external catheter is worn over the penis and connected to the bag worn on the leg. They are two separate products, but one discreet and reliable solution that makes you feel secure all day.

Conveen® is a range of urine bags and male external catheters that are customizable. Whitin our range you will be able to find a combination that meets your personal needs and requirements. 

Take the test and find the combination that suits you the best.

Why Conveen®?

Why Conveen®?

A Conveen solution is actually two products- a male external catheter (MEC) worn over the penis connected to a bag worn on the leg. Two products- but one discreet and reliable solution that makes you feel secure and confident. Learn more and find the right product

Conveen is a discreet, reliable alternative to absorbent solutions. Instead of merely being absorbed, urine gets funnelled away from your body and contained in a discreet bag secured comfortably to your leg. By keeping you dry, Conveen enables you to feel secure and confident. 


Take the test and find the combination that fits you. 

 Urine leg bag    Urine night bag    Urisheath
Conveen Security+ Leg bag
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  Conveen Security+ Night bag
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  Conveen Optima Male external catheter
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