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Government of Canada Tax Credit/Financial Support Programs 

Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Disability Tax Credit (DTC)

The Disability Tax Credit is a non-refundable tax credit that helps persons with disabilities or their support/care-givers reduce the amount of income tax they may have to pay. Being eligible for the DTC can open the door to other federal, provincial, or territorial programs such as the registered disability savings plan, the Canada workers benefit, and the child disability benefit

To be eligible you must meet one of the following criteria:

  • be blind

  • be markedly restricted in at least one of the basic activities of daily living

  • be significantly restricted in two or more or the basic activities of daily living (can include a vision impairment)

  • need life-sustaining therapy

In addition, the person's impairment must meet all of the following criteria:

  • be prolonged, which means the impairment has lasted, or is expected to last for a continuous period of at least 12 months

  • be present all or substantially all the time (at least 90% of the time)

Learn more about the eligibility criteria: 

Who is eligible - Disability tax credit (DTC) -

To apply use this form T2201 Disability Tax Credit Certificate -

Disability tax credit (DTC) -

Coloplast provides this information for convenience and your general reference only. It does not constitute legal advice or a recommendation regarding clinical practice. Reimbursement, coverage and payment policies can vary from one insurer and region to another and is subject to change without notice. The provider has the responsibility to determine medical necessity and to submit appropriate codes, information, and charges for care provided. Coloplast does not guarantee coverage or payment of products and Coloplast makes no guarantee that the use of this information will prevent differences of opinion or disputes with providers, agencies, insurers, or other payors as to the correct form of billing or the amount that will be paid. This information is provided for your general information only and is not intended to replace any advice you receive from your own internal or external insurance coverage consultants, reimbursement specialists or legal counsel.


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