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Provincial Programs


Assistive Devices Programs for Persons with a Physical or Intellectual Disability or an Autism Spectrum Disorder

The Assistive Devices Program will provide approved technologies that help a person correct or compensate for a physical or intellectual disability. Elimination aids covered include urinary incontinence products such as catheters. To enroll individuals should contact their local Integrated Health and Social Services Centre (CISSS) or Integrated University Health and Social Services Centre (CIUSSS).

For more information: Assistive Devices Programs for Persons with a Physical or Intellectual Disability or an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) | Gouvernement du Québec (

Material Assistance Program for Elimination Functions provides those with a physical disability, intellectual disability or autism disorder resulting in problems with urinary or bowel elimination. The program can help with the non-covered portion from private insurance, or coverage through the Ministere du Travail, de l’Emploi et de la Solidatere sociale. To enroll individuals should contact their local Integrated Health and Social Services Centre (CISSS) or Integrated University Health and Social Services Centre (CIUSSS).

For more information: Material assistance program for elimination functions | Gouvernement du Québec (

Workers Compensation

If you were injured at work and as a result need to use catheters for bladder management, CNESST (La Commission des normes, de l'équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail) should cover your catheter requirements. 

If you are purchasing catheters for the first time, you will require a prescription from your doctor. Send the prescription along with this completed letter to CSST for approval.

There may be a better catheter option for you.

  1. Ask for samples of SpeediCath® catheters*. Simply click here "Free SpeediCath® Samples" to order.

  2. Talk to your doctor - ask for a prescription for SpeediCath catheters. SpeediCath® catheters are single use only so the prescription should be for the number of times you need to catheterize daily, typically 4-5 catheters per day (one for every time you need to empty your bladder).

  3. Ask your doctor to complete and sign the Coloplast Intermittent Catheter Letter of Recommendation. Simply click on the letter on this page, download the letter and send it to your doctor. This letter outlines the issue(s) you are having and why you need to use SpeediCath®.

  4. Submit the prescription and letter with your application for reimbursement of expenses form to CNESST for approval.

  5. Upon approval, take your prescription and go to one of the preferred CNESST suppliers to purchase your catheters.

  6. Ask your supplier to bill CNESST directly.

*Limitations apply

La CNESST | Commission des normes de l'équité de la santé et de la sécurité du travail - CNESST (

Application for reimbursement of expenses (Formulaire)

Auto Insurance

If you sustained an injury due to an auto accident, you may qualify for catheter coverage with SAAQ - Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec

If you use catheters and are experiencing issues like:

  • Urinary tract infections (UTIs)

  • Pain

  • Urethral damage

  • Bleeding

  • Difficulty inserting catheter

There may be a better catheter option for you. SAAQ may provide hydrophilic catheters with a urologist’s prescription.

  1. Ask for samples of SpeediCath® catheters*. Simply click here "Free SpeediCath® Samples" to order.

  2. Talk to your doctor - ask for a prescription for SpeediCath® catheters. SpeediCath® catheters are single use only so the prescription should be for the number of times you need to catheterize daily, typically 4-5 catheters per day (one for every time you need to empty your bladder).

  3. Ask your urologist to complete and sign the Coloplast Intermittent Catheter Letter of Recommendation. Simply click on the letter on this page, download the letter and send it to your doctor. This letter outlines the issue(s) you are having and why you need to use SpeediCath®.

  4. Submit SpeediCath® prescription and support letter to SAAQ for approval.

  5. Ask your supplier to bill SAAQ directly.

*Limitations apply

For more information about SAAQ visit:

Municipal Programs


Some municipalities offer their own health support programs or supporting services. Often geared towards low-income populations. Check with your local municipality to see if there are any additional support options available to you.

Coloplast provides this information for convenience and your general reference only. It does not constitute legal advice or a recommendation regarding clinical practice. Reimbursement, coverage and payment policies can vary from one insurer and region to another and is subject to change without notice. The provider has the responsibility to determine medical necessity and to submit appropriate codes, information, and charges for care provided. Coloplast does not guarantee coverage or payment of products and Coloplast makes no guarantee that the use of this information will prevent differences of opinion or disputes with providers, agencies, insurers, or other payors as to the correct form of billing or the amount that will be paid. This information is provided for your general information only and is not intended to replace any advice you receive from your own internal or external insurance coverage consultants, reimbursement specialists or legal counsel.


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