People with continence problems and healthcare professionals still face significant challenges every day. To solve them, we work closely with both groups of people to find better solutions.
User-driven innovation
To understand the daily routines and challenges people with a catheter, leg bag, Male External Catheter,or irrigation system experience, our R&D staff visit them and observe their daily activities and routines closely. This process helps us to understand their challenges and translate their needs into effective solutions.
We encourage innovation and community involvement. If you have comments, suggestions or ideas on products send us an email at with the subject 'User-driven innovation'.
Listening and responding since 1954
Working closely with healthcare professionals and the people who use our products is nothing new at Coloplast. In fact, the way we work today started in 1954. Elise Sørensen was a community nurse. Her sister Thora had just had a stoma operation and was afraid to go out, fearing that her stoma might leak in public. So Elise created the world’s first adhesive stoma bag, giving Thora – and thousands of people like her – the chance to enjoy life again. Her idea was a simple solution with great significance.