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Coloplast HEAL is a global educational programme for healthcare professionals working with wounds. The programme aims to increase the knowledge of modern wound healing principles and improve the standard of care for wound patients around the world. It is part of our ongoing dedication to wound care education and support. 

HEAL educational courses

The HEAL programme includes a number of medical educational courses that cover a variety of wound care topics. Each course has been developed in close collaboration with international wound care experts, and the content is peer-reviewed and endorsed by EWMA (European Wound Management Association).


The courses are available as e-learning modules in the HEAL online training centre and as live educational seminars.

Online training centre

The HEAL online training centre offers interactive and engaging e-learning courses that are accessible from your computer, anywhere and anytime. After completing a course, you will be rewarded with an official Coloplast HEAL course certificate and get access to interesting bonus materials.


Please watch the short video to learn more about HEAL online training centre.


Contact us for more info about Coloplast HEAL online training centre

Educational events

The HEAL courses may also be available as live educational seminars in your area. Learn from the best wound care experts, and share your knowledge and experiences with other healthcare professionals.


Contact us for more info about Coloplast HEAL educational events in your area

EWMA partnership

Through a close collaboration with EWMA (European Wound Management Association) and local wound care organisations, we offer high quality materials that is innovative, peer reviewed and comprehensive.

Contact us for more information about Coloplast HEAL

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